Synonyms and Antonyms ( সমার্থক শব্দ এবং বিপরীত শব্দ)
Synonyms: (সমার্থক শব্দ) ভাষার বিভিন্ন অনুভূতি প্রকাশ করার জন্য একটি শব্দের বিভিন্ন প্রয়োগ করা হয় যা ঐ মূল শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। উদাহরণস্বরূপ-
- liberty,libertion, freedom,independence and emancipation are all synonyms of each other.
Antonyms:(বিপরীত শব্দ) যখন একটি শব্দের অর্থ অন্য বিভিন্ন শব্দ দ্বারা এর বিরোধার্থক হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Antonyms বা বিপরীত শব্দ বলে।
- the antonym of `independence' is`dependence'.
সমার্থক ও বিপরীত শব্দ ভাষায় অলঙ্কার হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। কিন্তু সহজভাবে বুজার জন্যে বাক্যে সমার্থক শব্দ ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে সবচেয়ে সহজ এবং পরিচিত শব্দ ব্যবহার করা উত্তম। শব্দ হচ্ছে ভাষার জ্ঞান।
Synonyms and Antonyms of some inportant words (কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সমার্থক এবং বিপরীত শব্দ দেওয়া হলো):
1.ABANDON (ত্যাগ করা) (v) --to leave: He abandoned his wife and children.
- Synonyms : abdicate, leave, quit, desert, discard.
- Antonyms : chase,follow, undertake, accept.
2. ACCUMULATE (পুঞ্জিভূত করা) (V) -- to assemble -- He is gradually accumulation courage to do the work.
- Synonyms : assemble, gather, collect, store, hoard, congreate, rally.
- Antonyms : disperse, catter, spread, dissipate, distribute.
3. ADVERSE (প্রতিকূলতা) (Adj.) -- unfavourable : He made some adverse comments on my proposal.
- Synonyms : antagonistic, unfavourable, critical, hostile, negative, unkind, censorious.
- Antonyms : favourable, propitious, appropriate, advantageous, congenial.
4. ALARMING (বিপদ সংকেত ) (Adj.) -- ominous : Our population is is increasing at an alarming rate.
- Synonyms: frightful, terrible, feaarful, ominous.
- Antonyms: hopeful, terrible, feaarfull, ominous.
5. ANIMOSITY (জিম্মি) (n.) -- hostility. There is no animosity between them.
- Synonyms: enmity,antagonism, aversion, antipathy, hostility, acrimony, grudge, resentment, vindictiveness.
- Antonyms: anity, love, friendliness, sympathy, good will, sweetness, cordiality,
6.ANNIHILATE (ধ্বংস করা ) (v) -- to destroy : We annihilated our enemy.
- Synonyms: destroy, suppress, cancel, extinguish
- Antonyms : establish, support, promote, make, build, produce, found
7. APPARENT (পরিস্কার) (adj.)-- clear: His anxiety was apparent to everyone present there.
- Synonyms : clear, visible, obvious, evident, manifest.
- Antonyms : hidden, obscure, secret, covert, latent.
8. ARROGANCE (অহমিকা) (adj.)--pride: We should not exhibit our arrogance at any place.
- Synonyms : haughtiness, pride, conceit, egotism.
- Antonyms : modesty, politeness, humanity.
9. AUSPICIOUS (সুবিধাজনক) (ADJ.) --propitious: Tody is an auspicious day in my life.
- Synonyms : favourable, suitable propitious, happy, fortunate, opportune, promising, good.
- Antonyms : unfavourable, inauspicious, hopeless unhappy, unlucky.
10. BANKRUPT (দেউলিয়া) (adj.)--ruined: The company became bankrupt for incurring a heavey loss.
- Synonyms : insolvent,destitute, indigent, ruined.
- Antonyms : rich, well0off, solvent, prosperous.
11. BARRIN (অনুর্বর) (adj.)--unproductive : Crops do not grow in a barren land.
- Synonyms : infertile, unproductive, sterile, bleck.
- Antonyms : fertile, productive
12. BENEFICIAL (উপকারি) (adj.)--useful: Exercising is beneficial to health.
- Synonyms : useful, helpful, valuable, positive.
- Antonyms: useless, harmful, detrimental.
13.BENEVOLENT (দয়ালু) (adj.)-- Kind: Our teacher is a benevolent person.
- Synonyms : generous, kind, merciful,charitable, gracious.
- Antonyms: cruel, unking, inhuman, malicious, selfish.
14. BONAFIDE (খাঁটি) (adj.)--reral : Thouse who are bonafide students can enjoy the service.
- Synonyms : genuine, real, sincer, authentic, legitimate, actual, true, valid, legal,
- Antonyms: bogus, false, inauthentic, counterfeit.
15. BORING বিরক্ত) (adj.)--not interesting at all: This is a boring movie.
- Synonyms : dull, uninteresting, tedious, troublesome, monotonous,dreay, lackluster, tiresome,
- Antonyms : interesting, enjoyable, amusing, pleasant, delightful.
16. BREVITY (ক্ষনস্থয়িত্ব) (n.)-- briefness : I like the brevity of Bacon's essay.
- Synonyms : shortness, concisencess, pithiness, terseness, Succinctness, concision.
- Antonyms : lengthiness, verbosity, grandiloquence.
17. BUOYANT (প্রফু্ল্ল, আলো) (adj.)-- light: Cork is a buoyant material.
- Synonyms: floating hopeful, cheerful, lively, vivacious, afloat, lightherated, upbeat, optimistic.
- Antonyms : depressed, cheerless, moody, joyless.
18. CANDID (সরল) (adj.) -- frank : He make a candid confession.
- Synonyms : frank, outspoken, open, sincere, straightforward, honest, sincere, truthful, blunt.
- Antonyms: reserved, insincerr, enigmatic, mysterious.
19. CAPRICIOUS (খামখেয়ালী) (adj.)-- whimsical : We should give up our capricious behaviour.
- Synonyms : Fickle, Changeful, whimsical, fanciful, freakishm, inconsistent, flexible.
- Antonyms : firm, rigid, constant, inflexible,
20. COMPULSORY (বাধ্যতামূলক) (adj.) -- mandatory : English is a compulsory subject at the secondary level.
- Synonyms : obligatory, mandatory, coercive.
- Antonyms : optional, voluntary, charitable
21. COMPLACENT (সন্তুষ্টি) (adj.) -- satisfied : She had a complacent smile on his face.
- Synonyms : pleased, satisfied, content, happy,smug, content.
- Antonyms : dissatisfied, Unhappy, discontented, anxious.
22. CONDUCIVE (সাহায্যকারী) (adj.)-- helpful : Fresh air is conducive to health.
- Synonyms : effcetive, good, useful,promotive, productive, beneficial, contributive.
- Antonyms : repugnant, preventive, counteractive, destructive, bad, injurious, harmful.
23. Conspicious (দৃশ্যমান) (adj.)-- easily visible : His honesty is conspicuous.
- Synonyms : distingtuished,visible, prominent, manifest, famous, noticeable, observable.
- Antonyms : obscure, invisible, inconspicuous.
24. CORDIAL (আন্তরিক) (adj.)-- hearty : he gave us a cordial reception.
- Synonyms: warm, earnest, sincer, hearty, loving, genial, affable, friendly, amiable, jovial.
- Antonyms : cold, insincere, distant, formal, unfriendly, ceremonious.
25. DECREASE (শিক্ষা দেয়া ) (v.) --to lessen: The boy has decreased his weight.
- Synonyms : abate, lower, lessen, diminish, reduce, curtail, wane decline, cut, dwindle, shrink.
- Antonyms : expand, increase, grow, extend, enlarge, amplify, augment.
26. DELIBERATE (সুচিন্তিত)) (adj.)-- willfull : Deliveratre mistakes should be punished.
- Synonyms : intentional, wilful, planned, conscious, purposeful, premeditated.
- Antonyms: unijtentional, inadevertent, unwilling, unwitting.
27. DESIRABLE (সঠিক) (adj.)--proper: Such an act of stupidity is not desirable from you.
- Synonyms : acceptable, proper, suitable, advisable.
- Antonyms: objectionable, undesirable, improper, evil, unadvisable.
28. DESTROY (ধ্বংস করা) (v.)--to ruin : He has destroyed all the documents.
- Synonyms : annihilate, ruin, demolish, undo, subvert, obliterate, overthrow, devastate.
- Antonyms: build, construct, create, repair, make.
29. DILIGENT (পরিশ্রমী) (ajd..)--industrious: She is very diligent.
- Synonyms : active, industrious, hardoworking, assiduous, attentive.
- Antonyms : indolent, lazy, idle, inactive.
30. DIRECT ( সোজাসুজি) (adj.)-- straight: She gave us a direct answer.
- Synonyms : straight, quick, immediate, prompt, instant, right, away.
- Antonyms : indirect, slow, belated.
31. DISPERSE (ছড়িয়ে পড়া) (v.) -- to spread: The police dispersed the mob.
- Synonyms : scatter, spread, disband, diffuse, break, up, dispel, dissipate.
- Antonyms : gather, assemble, collect, meet, accumulate.
32. DREADFUL (ভয়ঙ্কর) (adj.) -- terrible, : She saw a dreadful dream.
- Synonyms : fearful, terible, horrible, frightful, awful, alarming, monstrous, shocking.
- Antonyms : pleasing, pleasant, delightful, charming, hopful, encouraging.
33. ELEGANT (অনুগ্রহ) (adj.) -- graceful : She loves elegant clothes.
- Synonyms: polished, refined, graceful, decent, handsome, ground, luxurious.
- Antonyms : coarese, rude, inelegant, ungraceful, simple, vulgar.
34. ENCOURAGE (উৎসাহিত করা) (v.)--to inspire P: My father always encourages me to help others.
- Synonyms : incite, stimulate, urge, impel. inspire.
- Antonyms : prevent, discourage, dissuade, deter, dishearten.
35.ENTHUSIASM (প্রবল আগ্রহ) (n)-- zeal : she has great enthusia for music.
- Synonyms : ardour, eagerness, rapture, interest, passion, keenness, fervour, gusto, zest.
- Antonyms: contempt, indifference, callousness, coldness, repugnance,
36. EPHEMERAL (ক্ষনস্থায়ী) (ad.)-- momentary : Happiness is ephemeral.
- Synonyms : fugitive, momentary, temporary, fleeting, transient, evanescent, mortal.
- Antonyms: permanent, eternal, perpetual, immortal, perennial.
37. FASCINATE (আক্রমণ করা) (v.)-- to attract : she was fascinated by the beauty of the sccnery
- Synonyms : charm, captivate, enthrall, attract, affect, mesmerize, absorb,
- Antonyms : bore, irritate, disturb, disgust.
38. FATAL (মারাত্মক) (adj.)-- deadly: I saw a fatal accident.
- Synonyms : mortal, deadly, dangerous, calamitous, destructive, harmful, serious, grave.
- Antonyms: harmless, wholesale, notorious, constructive, bebeficial.
39. FEEBLE (দূর্বল) (adj.)-- weak: He is a man of feeble mind.
- Synonyms : faint, weak,vain, frail, scanty, forceless, nerveless.
- Antonyms : strong, robust, active, vigorous, muscular.
40. FERTILE (উৎপাদনমুখী) (adj.)-- productive : The land of Bangladesh is fertile.
- Synonyms : productive, luxuriant, prolific, rich, fecund, condictive, lush.
- Antonyms : barren, sterile, ineffective, unproductive, poor, fruitless, infertile.
41. FLEXIBLE (স্থিতিস্থপক) (adj.) -- clastic: We should have a flexible mind to cope with others.
- Synonyms : plaint, supple. elastic, changeable, ductile, lithe, bendy, bendable.
- Antonyms : hard, rigid, inflexible, tough, inelastic.
42. Frivolous (চৌকাঠ) (adj.) -- silly : We should give up our frivolous behaviour.
- Synonyms : silly, trivial, petty, worthless, trifling.
- Antonyms : serious, grave, earnest, important.
43. GALLANT (সাহসী ) (adj.) -- brave: He was a gallant soldier.
- Synonyms : bold, brave, courageous, valiant, heroic, fearless, chivalrous.
- Antonyms : cowardly, timid, churlish, fearful.
44. GENEROUS (দয়ালু) (adj.) --king: we should always be generous to poor people.
- Synonyms : liberal, lavish, king, bountiful, cordial, magnanimous, open-hearted,
- Antonyms : mean, miserly, churlish, niggardly, selfish, closefisted.
45.GORGEOUS (অনুমোদন)(adj.)-- grand: We had a gorgeous party last night.
- Synonyms : pompous, grand, magnificent, splendid, superb,costly.
- Antonyms : cheap, simple, colourless, threadbare, dingy.
46. GRATIFY (সুন্তুষ্টি করা) (v.) -- to satisfy: His result gratifies his parents.
- Synonyms : Please, satisfy, gladden, reward.
- Antonyms : displease, disappoint,dishearten, dissatisfy, sadden.
47. Guess (অনুমান করা) (v.)-- to infer: I guess that he is sick.
- Synonyms : suppose, conjecture, surmise, imagine, infer, predict.
- Antonyms : examine,prove, investigate, deduce, establish.
48. HANDSOME (অনুগ্রহ পূর্বক) : (adj.) -- graceful : The man is really handsome.
- Synonyms : beautiful, lovely, pretty, graceful, clegant, comely.
- Antonyms : ugly, ill-looking, unattractive, unpleasant, horrible.
49. HAPHAZARD (এলামেলো) (adj.)-- chaotic: Everything in the room was in a haphazard condition.
- Synonyms : chaotic, confusing, disordelry, unsystematic unmethodical.
- Antonyms : organized, systematic, planned, methodical.
50. HAZARD (ঝুঁকি) (n.) -- risk: No business is free from hazard.
- Synonyms : peril, risk, danger, jeopardy.
- Antonyms : safety, securrity. protection, certainty.
51. HINDER (প্রতিবন্ধকতা তৈরি করা) (v.) -- to impede : Nothing can hinder the expression of truth.
- Synonyms : retard.debar, impede, thwart, block, embarrass, prevent, interrupt, stop, obstruct.
- Antonyms : enable, promote, expedite, facilitate, accelerate.
52. HYPOCRISY (ভন্ডামি) (n.) -- deception : His conduct is full of hypocrise.
- Synonyms : affectation, deception, pretension, flasification, duplicity.
- Antonyms : honesty, sincerity, integraity, uprightness.
53. IGNOBLE (অখ্যাতিজনক) (adj.)--- shameful : He has done an ignoble job.
- Synonyms : mean, base, detestable, shameful, dishonourable.
- Antonyms : exalted, lofty, grand, eminet, illustrious, brilliant, notable.
54. IMPEDIMENT (বাঁধা) (n.) -- obstacle : illiteracy is the impediment to success.
- Synonyms : block, hindrance, obstacle, obstruction.
- Antonyms : support, succour, aid, help, assistance.
55. INCLEMENT (কঠিন) (adj.) -- rough: you should not go out in the inclement weather.
- Synonyms : severe, harsh, cruel, rough, rigorous, awful, tyrannical .
- Antonyms : genial, mild, clement, merciful, benign.
56.INDIFFERNCE (অনিহা) (an.)-- apathy : He showed complete indifference to study.
- Synonyms : coolness, carelessness, apathy, callousness, insensibility.
- Antonyms : interest, affection, eagerness,ardour, zeal, enthusiasm.
57. INDULGENT (সহনীয়) (adj.)--tolerant : he is an indulgent father.
- Synonyms : tolerant, complaint, tender, affectionate.
- Antonyms : severe, harsh, rough, cruel, mtolerant.
58. JEALOUR (ঈষান্বিত) (adj.)--envious: We should not jealous of someboy else's success.
- Synonyms : envious, covetous, suspicious, wary, grudging, resentful.
- Antonyms : unenvious, satisfied, liberal.
59. JUDICIOUS (জ্ঞানী) (adj.)-- wish: He took a judicious decision regarding his job.
- Synonyms : wish, thoughtful, sagacious, expedient, prudent, sensible, discreet.
- Antonyms : indiscreet, unwise, rash, foolish, silly, inexpedient, imprudent.
60. JUVENILE (যৌবনময় ) (adj.)-- youthful : This novel is full of juvenile impulse.
- Synonyms : childish, boyish, girlish, young, youthful, immature, adolescent.
- Antonyms : manly, womanly, senile, mature, adult, aged.
61. KINDLY (দয়া) (adv.) -- cordially : Would you kindly help me.
- Synonyms : warmly: cordially, gently, generously, politely, patiently, sympathetically.
- Antonyms : cruelly, impolitely, harshly, rudely, mercilessly.
62. KNOWLEDGEABLE (জ্ঞানী) (adj.)-- learned : He is a very knowledgeable person.
- Synonyms : educated, learned, experienced, intelligent, scholarly.
- Antonyms : ignorant, unaware, foolish, uneducated, stupid, inexperienced.
63.LACONIC (সংক্ষিপ্ত কিন্তু অর্থপূর্ণ) (ADJ.) -- reticent : I like Iconic person.
- Synonyms : curt, terse, epigrammatic, reticent.
- Antonyms : wordy, garrulous, eloquent, cireumlocutory.
64. LANGUID (দুর্বল) (adj.)-- spiritless : I saw his languid body on the floor.
- Synonyms : spiritless, exhausted, flagging, pining, drooping.
- Antonyms: acive, strong, healthy, robust, vigorus.
65. LENGTHEN (র্দীর্ঘ করা ) (V.) --to prolong : He lengthed his speech to the point of boredom.
- Synonyms : prolong, increase, protract, continue, extend, expand, stretch, elongate,
- Antonyms : curtail, shorten, reduce, decrease, belittle, abbreviate.
66. LIBERAL (উদার মুক্ত ) (adj.)-- moderate : He is a liberal person.
- Synonyms : copious, bountiful, catholic, bounteous, progressive, moderate, generous.
- Antonyms : conservative, mean, traditional, narrow, minded, bigoted,
67. LUDICRIOUS (মজাদার ) (adj.) -- funny : He put me into a ludicrous situation.
- Synonyms : funny, ridiculous, farcical, comic, comical, laughable.
- Antonyms : grave, sad, tragic, serious, doleful, mournful, somber.
68. MEDIOCRE (গড়) (adj.)-- average: He is a mediocre student.
- Synonyms : average, commonplace, medium, ordinary, secound-rate, middling.
- Antonyms : distinctive, exceptional, extraordinary, brilliant, excellent, superior.
69. MISERABLE(হতভাগ্য লোক) (adj.)-- wretched : He has fallen into a miserable condition.
- Synonyms : wretched, abject, forlorn, pitiable, despicable, worthless, sad, intolerable.
- Antonyms : happy, worthy, comfortable, respectable, delightful, pleasant.
70. MODESTY (বিনয়ী) (n.) -- politeness: Everybody is impressed by his modesty.
- Synonyms : humility, purity, bashfulness, politeness, diffidence, sobriety.
- Antonyms : vanity, conceit, effrontery, shamelessness, wantonness.
71. MUSTY (টক, বাসী) (adj.)-- stale: Your ideas are all musty.
- Synonyms : stale, outdate, obsolete, fetid, rank, fusty, mildewed.
- Antonyms : balmy, fresh, odorous, frangrant, aromatic.
72. NAUGHTY (খারাপ) (adj.) 00 bad: He is a naughty boy.
- Synonyms : disobedient, mischievous, bad, wicked, roguish, wayward.
- Antonyms : good, mild, polite, obedient, well-behaved.
73.NEBULOUS (অস্পষ্ট) (adj.)--vague: There is nebulous difference between the two ideas.
- Synonyms : ambiguous, cloudy, hazy, imprecise, indistinect, misty,obscure, vague.
- Antonyms : clear, certain, precise, distinct, bright.
74. NERVOUS (চিন্তিত) (adj.)-- anxious : He feels nervous in the examination hall.
- Synonyms : shaky,jumpy, timid, anxious, hesitant.
- Antonyms : brave, courageous, bold, confident, valiant, calm, cool.
75. NOMINAL (নাম মাত্র) (adj.)--so called: The president is the nominal head of the state.
- Synonyms : so-called, symbolic, titular, trivial, insignificant.
- Antonyms : actual, genuine, real, important,essential, substanitial.
76. OBJECT (উদ্দেশ্য) (v) --to oppose: I object to your decision.
- Synonyms : oppose, disapprove, argue, complain, protest, refuse, repudiate, demur.
- Antonyms : approve, agree, accept, acquiesce.
77. OBJECTIONABLE (আক্রমন) (adj.) --offensive : Your comment is highly objectionable .
- Synonyms : unpleasant, unacceptable, Offensive, obnoxious, disagreeable, detestable, despicable.
- Antonyms : pleasant,acceptable, agreeable, welcome.
78. OBLIVIOUS (ভূলে যাওয়া) (adj.)--forgetful : I am now oblivious of those days.
- Synonyms : ignorant, negligent, unaware, carless, heedless, unconscious.
- Antonyms : aware, conscious, observant, mindful.
79. OBSCENE (কুৎসিত) (adj.)-- dirty : I don't like obsene jokes.
- Synonyms : bawdy, coarse, indecent, filthy, foul, gross,lewd,licentious, offensive.
- Antonyms : clean decent, decorous, wholesome, pure.
80. OBSOLETE (অপ্রচলিত, পুরাতন) (adj.) out-date: Give up your obsolete plans.
- Synonyms : old, ancient, out-dated, outmoded, outworn, old-fashioned.
- Antonyms : current, new, modern, up-to-date,contemporary.
81. PACIFY (প্রশান্ত,শান্তিময়) (v.)--to appease : The mother is pacifying her crying baby.
- Synonyms: calm down,appease, tranquilise, soothe, mollify, placate.
- Antonyms: excite, exasperate, agitate, irritate, rouse, provoke.
82.PASTIME (বিনদন) (n.)-- entertainment: Travelling is one of my favourite pastimes.
Synonyms : work, labour, business, Occupation, profession.
Antonyms : secure, sound, certain, safe, comfortable.
83. PERILOUS (বিপদজনক) (adj.) --dangerous, Smoking is perilous for health.
- Synonyms : dangerous, hazardous, risky, unsafe, horrible, terrible, fearful.
- Antonyms : secure, safe, sound, certain, comfortable,
84.PERMIT (অনুমোদন) (v.)--allow: The teacher permits me to ask my question.
- Synonyms : approve, let, allow, authorize, encourage, content, sanction.
- Antonyms : disallow, stop, prevent, check, forbid, prohibit.
85.PERVERSE (বিকৃত স্বভাব) (adj.)-- wayward: he leads aperverse life.
- Synonyms : wick, bad, untoward, mean, unmanageable, intractable, vicious.
- Antonyms : docile, amenable, governable, ductile, manageable, complacent.
86. PRECIOUS (মূল্যবান) (adj.)--valuable: Gld is a precious metal.
- Synonyms : costly, valuable, dear, expensive, priceless, prized, loved.
- Antonyms : cheap, inexpensive, valueless, worthless, ordinary, base.
87. QUALIFIED (দক্ষ, যোগ্য) (adj.)-- competent : He is a qualified teacher.
- Synonyms : competent, suitable, eligible, capable, efficient, experineced, able, proficient, talented.
- Antonyms : unqualified, inexperienced, incapable, unable, incompetent, unskilled.
88. QUEER (বিচিত্র, অদ্ভুদ)(adj.) --strange: He speaks in a queer way.
- Synonyms : strange, abnormal, odd, eccentric, curious, crazy, unnatural, peculiar.
- Antonyms : common, usual, natural, familiar, ordinary, customarry,normal.
89. QUITE (সম্পূর্ণ/পরিপূর্ণ) (adv.)--wholly: They were quite different from each other.
- Synonyms : wholly, truly, altogether, entirely, totally, completely, perfectly, fairly.
- Antonyms : barely, hardly, partially, scarcely.
90. RAPID (দ্রুত) (adj.) -- quick : The rapid growth of population is a problem of our country.
- Synonyms : swift, speedy, fast, prompt, hasty.
- Antonyms : slow, tardy, sluggish, lazy, leisurely, belated.
91. REBUKE (তিরস্কার করা) (v)--to scold : The teacher rebuked us for make noise in the class.
- Synonyms : chide, reprove, censure, reprimand, scold, admonish, reproach.
- Antonyms : praise, admire, encourage, applaud, Commend, appreciate, eulogise,
92. REDUCE (হ্রাস পাওয়া) (v.) -- to decrease : We should reduce the speed of your car.
- Synonyms : lessen diminish, decrease, eurtail, shorten, contract, weaken.
- Antonyms : increases, expand, enlarge, lengthen, extend, augment.
93. RELISH (স্বাধ, রুচি) (n.)---taste : He ate the food with great relish.
- Synonyms : taste, appetite, zest, gusto, flavour.
- Antonyms : disrelish, disflavour, nauseousness, insipidity.
94. REMEDY (সমাধান) (n.)--solution: There is no remedy to this disease.
- Synonyms: redress, cure, solution, treatment, relief, antidote, reparation.
- Antonyms: malady, disease, sickness, infection, illness.
95. REPEAL (বাতিল করা) (v.)-- to cancel: All the oppressive rules should be repealed.
- Synonyms : abolish, cancel, annul, revoke, abrogate, rescind, discontinue.
- Antonyms : sanction, enact, continue, establish, pass, confirm.
96.RUSTIC (গ্রাম্য) (adj.) --uncounth: You must give up your uncouth behaviour.
- Synonyms : awkward, boorish, clumsy, pastoral, uncouth, uncultured, rought, rual.
- Antonyms : polished, refined, cultured, sophisticated, urban.
97. SACRED (পবিত্র) (adj.)--holy: All religions have some sacred places.
- Synonyms : holy, heavenly, religious, divine, blessed, solemn, devout, godly.
- Antonyms : mundane, irreligious, secular, ungodly, profane, temporal, unholy.
98. SATISFY (সন্তুষ্টি করা) (v.) -- to please : Your performance has satisfied me.
- Synonyms : gratify, please, full fill, gladden, amuse, meet,
- Antonyms : fail, disappoint, displease, dissatisfy.
99. HABBYI (ছেড়া পোশাক) (adj.)--ragged: She was wearing a shabby dress.
- Synonyms: ragged, beggarly, threadbare, dirty, paltry.
- Antonyms : smart, tidy, neat, clean, fashionable.
100.SOLITARY (দীর্ঘ) (adj.)--lonely: He lives a solitary life.
- Synonyms: lonely, isolated, secluded, deserted, uninhabited.
- Antonyms : populous, social, inhabited, well-frequented.
101. TACTFUL (কৗশলী) (adj.)-- skilful : He is very tactful in dealing with students.
- Synonyms : careful, diplomatic, discreet, politic, skill full, prudent.
- Antonyms : careless, rude, tactless, impolitic, imprudent.
102. TANGIBLE (অনুভবনিয়) (adj.) --manifest : There is no tangible evidence of his crime.
- Synonyms : actual, real, evident, concrete, definite, manifest, positive, substantial, material.
- Antonyms : intangible, abstract, indefinite, unreal, negative, untouchable,
103.TERMINATE (সমাপ্ত করা সমাধান করা) (v.)--end:She terminates her speech with a reference from shakes peare.
- Synonyms : cease, close, conclude, finish, complete, wind up, stop.
- Antonyms : begin, start, commence, initiaate.
104. UNANIMOUS (গানের অনুষ্ঠান) (adj.)--concerted : They reached a unanimous decision on the matter.
- Synonyms: common concerted, harmonius, joint, united.
- Antonyms : discordant, divided, disunited, split,
105. VACATE (ছেড়ে যাওয়া) (v.) -- to leave : The police asked the people to vacate the place.
- Synonyms : leave, quit, abandon, withdraw, desert, evacuate.
- Antonyms : occupy, capture, enter, fill, take.
106. WEAKEN (নিম্নে যাওয়া হ্রস পাওয়া) (v.)-- to decline : The discase has weakened his body.
- Synonyms : dilute, impair, paralyse, debilitate, enfeeble.
- Antonyms : empower, confirm, strengthen, invigorate.
107. ZENITH (শীর্ষস্থান) (n.) ---peak: he has reached the zenith of his fame.
- Synonyms : acme, climax, height, peak, summit, top, vertex.
- Antonyms : nadir, bottom, depth, lowest, point.
Write synonyms of the words given in the brackets (নিচের শব্দগুলোর সমার্থক শব্দ লিখুন):
- He is always (antagonistic) to me.
- We cannot live without air. It is (indispensable) for us.
- The man was (fascinate) by the beauty of the lady.
- It is not (feasible).
- I like his food because it is (hygienic).
- His (amiable) attitude charmed us.
- The mistake was not deliverate)
- The cuckoo has a very (dulcet) voice.
- If you are (honest). you will prosper in life.
- He is a (notorious) killer.
- Aggressive, Hostile, Unfriendly, Intimidate.
- Important, Crucial, Vital, Necessary, Essential.
- Enthralled, Captivated, Mesmerized, Rapt.
- Realistic, Practical, Reasonable, Convenient.
- Clean, Sterile, Grm-free, Sanitary.
- Sociable, Friendly, Cordial, Kind.
- Purposeful,Determined, Firm, Dogged.
- Sweet, Melodious, Pleasant, Pleasurable, Lovely,
- Truthful, Frank, Candid, Open, Sincere, Direct.
- Infamous,Dishonourable, Wicked.