Narration কাকে বলে? কত প্রকার ও কি কি?

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বক্তার উক্তিকে ইংরেজিতে Speech বা Narration বলে। Speech দুই প্রকার। 
1. Direct
2. Indirect
1. Direct Speech : যখন বক্তার বক্তব্যকে পরিবর্তন না করে অবিকল তার ভাষায় ব্যব্ত করা হয় তখন তাকে Direct Speech বা Direct Narration বলে। একে Inverted Comma বা উদ্ধত চিহ্নের (" '') মধ্যে রাখা হয়। 
Prported Speech : Inverted Comma-এর ভিতরে অংশকে Reported Speech বলে। 
Reporting Verb: Inverted Comma-এর বাহিরের যে verb দিয়ে বক্তার বক্তব্য শুরু হয় তাকে Reporting Verb বলে। Dirtect Speech এ Reporting Verb-এর পরেই একটি Comma বসে। 

Example : Samol says, ''I am ill.''
উপরের Sentence এ ‘‘Says''Reporting Verb এবং ‘‘I am ill '' Reported Speech.

2. Indirect Speech : বক্তার নিজের কথা হুবহু উদ্ধত না করে তার বক্তব্য অন্যের ভাষায় প্রকাশ করাকে Indirect Speech বা Indirect Narration বলে। 
  • Says that he is ill.
  • Changing of Narration

1. Person পরিবর্তনের নিয়ম:
(i) Reported Speech-এর person অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : He said to me, "I have finished my work."
  • Indirect : He told me that had finished his work."

(ii) Reported speech -এর অন্তর্গত Subject secound person হলে সর্বদা reporting verb-এর object-এর person অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : He said to me, "Your Have completed your work"
  • Indirect : He told me that he had completed my work."
Reporting verb-এর object না থাকলে Reported speech এবং subject তাকে First person এ পরিবর্তন করা শ্রেয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : He said, "you are lazy."
  • Indirect : He said that I was Lazy."
(iii) Reported speech-এর অন্তর্গত third person-এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না। যেমন-
  • Direct : I said to you, "He has done his duty." 
  • Indirect : I told you that he has done his duty.
ব্যতিক্রম: (a) 'We' দ্বারা মানবজাতি বুঝালে first person হওয়া সত্বেও indirect speech-এ তার পরিবর্তন হয় না। যেমন-
  • Direct : The teacher said. "We are mortal."
  • Indirect : The teacher said that we are mortal.
(iv) 'We' যদি বক্তা (speaker) এবং যাকে উদ্দেশ্য করে (person spoken to ) উভয়কে বুঝায়  তবে indirect speech এ তার কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না। যেমন-
  • Direct He said to me," We should do our duty"
  • circuitous He told me that we should do our duty?

(v) Editorial 'we' indirect speech এ it-এ পরিবর্তিত হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct The Observer says," We published that report on environmental pollution.
  • Indirect The Observer says that it published the report on the environmental pollution.
2. Tense পরিবর্তনের নিয়ম: 
(a) Direct speech এর  reporting verb টি present tense, presen perfect tense বা future Tense থাকলে eported speech এর verb টি Tense এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না । কেবল Person পরিবর্তন হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Kanika has said, " I have done her homework."
  • Indirect : Kanika has said that she had donne her Homework."
  • Direct : Maruf will say "He draws a picture"
  • Indirect : Maruf will say that he draws a picture.
  • Direct He says," I'm happy."
  • Circuitous He says that he's happy.

Tens পরিবর্তেনের নিয়ম: 

Tense (Direct Narration/Direct Speech). = Tense (Indirect Narration/Reported Speech.
  • Present Indefinite = Past Indefinite
  • Present Continuous = Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect = Past Perfect
  • Present Perfect Continuous Past =Perfect Continuous Past
  • Past Perfect Continuous = Past Perfect Continuous
  • Past Indefinite = Past Perfect
  • Past Continuous = Past Perfect Continuous
  • Past Perfect = Past Perfect 
  • Future = Future in the Past.
Reported speech এ যদি Modal Ausiliaries থাকে তবে indirect Narration এ রূপান্তরের সময় এদর নিম্নরূপ পরিবর্তন হবে: 
Direct Narration (Reported Speech)= Indirect Narration (Reported Speech)
  • Shall = Should/would
  • will= would
  • can = could
  • may=might
  • can be = could be
  • may be = might be
  • shall be = should be 
  • will be = would be 
  • shall have should have/would have
  • can have = could have
  • must =had to 
  • must have+noun= must have had+noun
(b) Reporting verbটি  Past Tense এবং Reported Speech এর verb টি Present Tense এ তাকলে তা পরিবর্তিত হয়ে corresponding past Tense (অনুরূপ Past Tense) হয়। 
(i) Present indefinite tense পরিবর্তিত হয় past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Badhan said, "I play cricket"
  • Indirect : Badhan said that he played cricket.
(ii) Present continuous tense পরিবর্তিত হয়ে  past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Iqbal said,"I am working."
  • Indiirect : Iqbal said that he was wirking.
(iii) Present perfect পরিবর্তিত হয়ে Past perfect Tense হয়।  যেমন-
  • Direct : Shaheen said, "I have done my homework".
  • Indirect : Shaheen said that he had done his homework.
(iv) Present perfect continuous পরিবর্তিত হয়ে Past Perfect Continuous হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct The said," We've been walking for three hours."
  • circuitous they said that they had been walking for three hours.
(C) Reporting verb এবং reported speech উভয়ই Past Tense এ  থাকলে নিম্ন লিখিত নিয়মানুযায়ী speech পরিবর্তন করতে হয়। :
(i) Reported speech টি past indefinite tense এ থাকলে তা পরিবর্তিত হয়ে  Past Perfect Tense হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Mahabubul said, " I went to Khulna."
  • Indirect : Mahabubul said that he had gone to Khulna.
কিন্তু direct speech এ দুই বা ততোধিক verb Past Indefinite Tense এর হলে Indirect Speech এর তা অপরিবর্তিত থাকে ।
  • Direct : Romel said, "Iopened the door, walked out and sang song."
  • Indirect : Romel said that he had opened the door, walked out and sung a song.
(ii) Past Continuous Tense পরিবর্তিত হয়ে Past Perfect Continuous Tense হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct :P Romel said, "Iwas writing an application.
  • Indirect : Romel said that he had been writing an application.
(iii) Past Perfect এবঙ Past Perfect Continuous Tense হলে Indirect Speech এ Tense এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না। যেমন-
  • Direct : Romel said, "I had done it."
  • Indirect : Romel said that he had done it.
  • Direct : Romel said,"I had been waiting for you."
  • Indirect : Romel said that he had been waiting for me/him.
(d) Future Tense - এ shall/will অর্তানুসারে পরিবর্তিত হয়ে should বা would হয়। may পরিবর্তিত হয়ে might এবং can পরিবর্তিত হয়ে could হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Azad said, "I can finish the work."
  • Indirect : Azad said that he could finish the work.
  • Direct Rupali said," I may go to academe."
  • Indirect Rupali said that she might go to academe.
  • Direct : Robin said,"I shall do the work."
  • Indirect : Robin said that he would to the work.
"Must" এর রূপান্তর: 
(i) must দ্বারা চিরকালীন বাধ্যবাধকতা না বুঝালে তা সাধারণত had to তে রূপান্তরিত হয়। মেমন-
  • Direct : Nabila said, "I must do the work.
  • Indirect : Nabila said that she had do the work.
(ii) First person এ must কোন ভবিষ্যৎ কাজের দ্বারা বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝাতে  indirect speech এ would have to তে রূপান্তরিত হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : He said, "We must beat you if you disobey".
  • Indirect : he said that the would have to beat him if he disobeyed them.
(iii) কিন্তু চিরকালীন  বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝালে must এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না। যেমন-
  • Direct : Mother said to his son. "You must obey your teacher."
  • Indirect : Mother said to his son that he must obey his teachers."
4. Reported Speech কোন universal truth (চিরন্তন সত্য) বা habitual fact (অব্যাসগত কর্ম) প্রকাশ করলে verb এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না। যেমন-
  • Direct He said," The earth moves round the sun."
  • Indirect He said that the earth moves round the sun.
5. Reporting verb হিসেবে ”say" Direct এবং indirect উভয় speech এ ব্যবহৃত হয়। তবে indirect speech এ say ব্যবহার না করাই শ্রেয়। reporting verb হিসেবে “tell' সাধারণত direct narration এ ব্যবহৃত হয় না। "tell" এর পর object বসাতে হয় তবে object এর পূর্বে “to" বসে। "tell" এর পর “to" বসে না। 
  • Direct : Tanni told Thania, :I made the cake."
  • Indirect : Tanni told Thania that she had made the cake. or, Tanni said to Thania that she had made the cake.

6. নেকট্য সূচক শব্দগুলো indirect speech এ পরিবর্তিত হয়ে দূরত্ব সূচক শব্দে পরিণত হয়। যেমন-
Direct - Indirect - Direct - Indirect

  • This - That - Here - There
  • These-  Those - Today - That day
  • Here - There - Tommorrow -  The next day/ The following day.
  • Ago - Before - Yesterday - The previous day
  • Come - go - Last month - The previous month
  • Thus -  so - Last night - The perevious night
  • Hither- Thither-coming week the following week
7. This ও These এর  ব্যবহার: 
(i) This পরিবর্তিত হয়ে that হয় যখন this দ্বারা সময় নের্দেশ করে। যেমন-
  • Direct : Tanvir said, " Tanvir said, " I am going to Bogra this month."
  • Indirect : Tanvir said that he was going to Bogra that month.
(ii) কিন্তু This/these/that যখন Adjevtive হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় তখন this এবং that সৃধারণত the তে রুপান্তরিত হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Ifad said, "I gave him this shirt."
  • Indirect : Ifad said that he had given him the shirt.
(iii) This/these pronoun হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হলে indirect speech এ this/these পরিবর্তিত হয়ে it/that/those হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : I said to him, " I bought a shirt for you. I whould like to present this book on your birthday."
  • Circuitous I told him that I had bought a shirt for him and I would like to present it on his birthday.
8. Here এবং there এর ব্যবহার : 
(i) Direct specch এ যে স্থানের কথা উল্লেখ করা হয় তা স্পষ্টত বুঝা গেলে here পরিবর্তিত হয়ে there হয়। যেমন-

  • Direct : Rehan said to Sayma. " I shall meet you now at Bashundhara Garden City offing.
  • Indirect : Rehan told Sayma that he (R) would meet her (S) there at Bashundhara Garden city the next day.
(ii) সাধারণ here অর্থ অনুযায়ী বিভিন্ন phrase এর রুপান্তরিত হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Azad said to me, "You stay here "
  • Indirect : Azad told me that I might stay with him.
Note : Indirect speech এ it অপরিবর্তিত থাকে ।
  • Direct : He said, "I shall do it"
  • Indirect : He said that he would do it.
9. Direct speec এ Thank you থাকলে তাকে indirect করার নিয়ম: 
Structure : Reporting Verb এর Subject+thank/thanks/thanked+Reporting Verb-এর Object.
  • Direct : He said to me, " Thank you" 
  • Indirect : He thanked me.
10." Good bye" যুক্ত direct speech কে circuitous করার নিয়ম
Structure : Reporting Verb এর Subject + thank/thanks/thanked+Reporting Verb এর Object.
  • Direct : He said, "Good-bye, my brothers."
  • Indirect : He bade his brothers good-bye.
11. Direct speech এ good morning/good evening/good night থাকলে indirect করার নিয়ম: 
Structure : Reporting Verb এর subject+wish/wished+object+good morning/good evening/good night.
  • Direct : He said to me, Good morning."
  • Indirect : He wished me good morning.
12. Direct speech এ বক্তা এবং শ্রোতা দু’জনই proper noun হলে indirect করার সময় pronoun এর পাশে ব্রাকেটের মধ্যো উক্ত pronoun টি যে ব্যক্তির পরিবর্তে বসেছে সে ব্যক্তির নামের প্রথশ অক্ষর লিখতে হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : Abir said to Salam. "I have taken your pen."
  • Indirect : Abir told Salam that he (A) had taken his (S) pen.

13. Reporting verb ও তার subject এবং object উল্লেখ না থাকলে the speaker said to the person sopken to লিখে indirect speech এ রূপান্তর করতে হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : "I shall meet yo tomorrow."
  • Indirect :P The speaker said to the person that he (s) would meet him the next day.
14. বিভিন্ন প্রকার sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে Speech পরিবর্তনের নিয়ম: 

A. Assertive Sentence 

Assrtive sentence কে indirect speech এ রূপান্তরের সময় : 
(a) Object না থাকলে Reporting verb টি say অথবা said হবে এবং object থাকলে tells/tell অথবা told+object বসে। 
(b) Inverted Comma ওঠে গিয়ে Conjunction "that" বসে। 
(C) Reported Speech এর Subject+verb+বাকি অংশ বসে। 

Structure : Subject + say/said/tell/told+Object (যদি থাকে) +that + reported speech এর subject+verb+বাকি অংশ। 
  • Direct : Rehan said," I am drawing a picture."
  • Indirect : Rehan said that he was drawing a picture.
  • Direct : Erfan said "I will watch TV now."
  • Indirect : Erfan said that he would watch TV then.
  • Direct : Tania said to Tanbir, " Man is mortal.
  • Indirect : Tania told Tanbir that Man is mortal.
  • Direct : Azad said, " I lived many years in Dhaka."
  • Indirect : Azad said that he had lived many years in Dhaka.
  • Direct Nita said," My father would go home offing.
  • circuitous Nita said that her father would go home the coming day.
  • Direct : Nipa said,"I am sweeping the floor."
  • Indirect : Nipa said that she was sweeping the floor.

B. Interrogative Sentence

(i) (a) reporting verb টি “ask"enquire of" want to know" "demand" ইত্যাদিতে পরিবর্তিত হয়। 
(b) Reported speech যদি auxiliary verb (অর্থাৎ do,does,did,shall,will, am,is,are,was,were,can,may ইত্যাদি দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয় অর্থাৎ সংক্ষেপে "Yes" বা "no" দ্বারা উত্তের দেয়া যায় তবে reported speech এর পূর্বে that না বসিয়ে if/whether বসাতে হয়। 

(C) Sentence টি interrogative এর পরিবর্তে asertive sentence এ রূপান্তরিত হয়। 
Structure : Subject +ask/asked/inquire/inquire of +object (যদি থাকে ) + if/whether+reported speech এর subject + verb+ বাকি অংশ। 
  • Direct : He said to me, "Are you reading a novel?"
  • Indirect : He asked me if I as reading a novel.
  • Direct : Arin said to him, " Hve you seen Kamal?"
  • Indirect : Arin asked him if he had seen kamal?"
  • Direct : Shahinur said to Depali, " Will you give me the book tomorroe?"
  • Indirect : Shahinur asked Depali if she (D) would give her the book the next day.
  • Direct : Habib said to his sister, "will you finish the work?"
  • Indirect : Habib asked his sister if she would finish the work.
  • Direct: Dipu said to Tapu, " Do you like to visit Cox's baza"?
  • Indirect : Dipu saked Tapu if he (T) like to visit Cox's bazar.
(ii) Reported speech যদি interrogative pronoun ( যেমন - who, whom, whose, what, which ইত্যাদি ) দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয় তবে if/whether বসে না,উক্ত interrogative শব্দটিই বসে । এক্ষেত্রে sentnce টির Assertive form বসে। 

Structure : Sub+sak+object (যদি থাকে ) + interrogative pronoun/Interrgative adverb+reported speech এর subject + verb+ বাকি অংশ। 
  • Direct : Bablu said to shiplu, "What are you doing?'"
  • Indirect : Bablu asked shiplu what he (S) was doing.
  • Direct : She said to me. "What do you want?"
  • Indirect : She asked me what I wanted.
  • Direct : The teacher said to the student, "Why are you screaming"?
  • Indirect : The teacher asked the student why they were screaming.
  • Direct : A man said to his son, "What are you doing?"
  • Indirect : A man asked his son what was you doing.
  • Direct : He said to me, " where are you going"?
  • Iddirect : He asked me where I was going.

C. Imperative Sentence

(i) (a) Imperative Sentence এ reporting verb টি অনুরোধ বুঝালে request, আদেশ বুঝালে order/command, উপদেশ বুঝালে advise অন্যথায় tell দ্বারা পরিবর্তিত হয়। 
(b) Inverted Comma ওঠে গিয়ে to বসে 
(C) Reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে 

Structure :Subject+Tense অনুযায়ী request/order/advise/tell যে কোন একটি form+object (যদি থাকে) +to+reported speechএর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ 
  • Direct : He daid to me, "Please give me a pen"
  • Indirect : He requested me to give him a pen.
  • Direct The educator said to pupils," Always learn your readings."
  • circuitous The educator advised the pupils, to learn their readings.
  • direct P The captain said to the soldierd," march on"
  • circuitous The captain commanded the fighters to march on.
  • Direct : The teacher said to the student, "Go out of the classroom"
  • Indirect : The teacher ordered the student to go out of the classroom.

উপরউক্ত reporting verb গুলো ছাড়াও direct speech এর অর্থ অনুযায়ী ask, beg, encourage, entreat, invite, recommend x forbid ইত্যাদি ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে । 
  • Direct : Mother said to his sons, "Don't run in the sun"
  • Indirect : Mother forbade his sons not to run in the sun.
(ii) Imperative sentence টি যদি negative হয় তবে reporting verb-এর পরে not বসে এবং তারপর dt বসে। 
  • Direct : Parents said to their son, "Never waste your time"
  • Indirect : Parents advised their son not to waste their time.
  • Direct : He daid to me, "Dont't follow me"
  • Indirect : He told me not to follow him.

(iii) Imperative sentence এ direct speech এ কাউকে সম্বোধন করা হলে নিচের নিয়মে indirect speech এর রূপান্তর করতে হয়। 
Structure : addressing + reporting verb এর object (যদি থাকে ) + as + যাকে /যদেরকে সম্বোধন করা হয়েছে সে শব্দটি +reporting verb এর  subject +reporting verb + to +reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত ।
  • Direct : He said to him, Brother, listen to me,"
  • Indirect : Addressing him as brother, he requested him to listen to him.
Note : তবে Passage Narration এ এই নিময়টি ব্যবহার না করাই শ্রেয় । কারণ অনেক গ্রামারবিদ এই ব্যবহারটিকে শ্রুতিকটু হিসেবে উল্লেখ করেছেন।
(iv) Imperative sentence এর  direct speech এ sir থাকলে  indirect করার সময় sir পরিবর্তে  respecfully (with respect) ব্যবহৃত হয়। 
  • Direct : The boy said to the teacher, "Sir, lend me your book please"
  • Indirect : The boy repuested the teacher respectfully (with respect) to lend him (b) his (t) book.
(V) (a) Let এর ব্যবহার : Let এর পরে  us থাকলে indirect করার সময় reporting verb টি পরিবর্তিত হয়ে propose/suggest হয়+ inverted comma ওঠে গিয়ে that বসে+ they/we+should বসে+ reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে । 
Sturucure : Subject+propose/proposed + that + they/we +should+reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ। 
  • Direct : Rabbi said to me, "Let us go to out for a walk"
  • Indirect : Rabbi proposed to me that we should go for a walk.
(b) Reporting verb টি পরিবর্তিত হয়ে propose/suggest হয়+ reported speech এর verb base form বা present form এর সাথে ing যোগ করতে হয় + বাকি অংশ বসে । 
  • Direct : We said to the chairman" Let us drop the matter|
  • Indirect : We proposed to the Chairman dropping the matter.
  • Direct : I said to him, "Let us play."
  • Indirect : I suggested him playing.

Note : Reporting Verb এর subject third person এবং object first person হলে that এর পরে we বসে এবং reporting verb এর subject ও object উভয়ই 3rd person হলে that এর পরে they বসে। 
  • Direct He said to me, Let me go for a walk.
  • Indirect He proposed to me that we should go for a walk..
  • Direct : She said to her brother, Let us play."
  • Indirect : She propose to her brohter that they should play.
(vi) কিন্তু let দ্বারা প্রস্তাব অর্থ না বুঝালে reporting verb এর পডরিবর্তন হয় না । inverted comma উঠে that বসে + reported verb এর Subject পুনরায় বসে + might + Reporting speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত হয়। 
  • Direct : Jewel said to me, Let him say whatever he likes"
  • Indirect : Jewel told me that he might say whatever he liked.

D. Optative Sentence 

(a) Reporting verb এর পরিবর্তে wish বা pray বসে 
(b) Inverted comma ওঠে গিযে that বসে 
(C) Reported speechেএর subject বসে 
(d) might বসে 
(e) Reported speech এর verb থেকে শেষ পর্যনত অংশ হয়। 
Structure : Subject+wish/pray+that+Reported speech এর subject+ might+মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ। 
  • Direct Father said to me," May you pass the examination"
  • Indirect Father appealed that I might pass the examination.
  • Direct : My mohter said to me, May Alah bless you,"
  • Indirect : My mother wished that Allah might bless me.

E. Exclamatory Sentence 

(i) (a) Direct speech দ্বারা আনন্দ বুঝালে reporting verb পরিবর্তিত হয়ে exclaim/exclaimed with joy আর দুঃখ বুঝালে exclaim/exclaimed with sorrow or grief ইত্যাদি হয়। 
(b) Inverted Comma ওটে that বসে ।
(c) Reported speech এর subject বসে
(d) প্রদত্ত verb এর past form বসে 
(e) Very/great বসে 
(f) Adjective বসে 
(g) বাকি অংশ (যদি থাকে ) বসে । 

Structure : Subject +exclaim / exclaimed with joy আনন্দ বুঝালে এবং exclaim/exclaimed with soorow দুঃখ বুঝালে + that +reporthed speech এর subject + verb এর past form +very/great+Adjective+বাকি অংশ (যদি থাকে ) । 
  • Direct : The students said, "Alas! Our friend Tanim died,
  • Indirect : The students exclamied (cried ot/shouted) with sorrow that their friend Tanim had died.
(ii) Reported speech ow বা what দ্বারা শুরু হলে indirect narration করার সময় উক্ত how বা What এর পরিবর্তে very, much, great ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে হয়। 
  • Direct : Sraban said, What a Wonerful bird it is!
  • Indirect : Sarban exclaimed with joy that it was a very wonderful bird.

Rules for Passage Narration

আমরা যখন কারও বক্তব্যকে নিজের ভাষায় বর্ণনা করি তখন বক্তার ব্রবহৃত প্রতিটি শব্দই বলি না। এ সময় অনেক অপ্রাসঙ্গিক কথা বাদ দিয়ে থাকি। Passage Narration এর সুনির্দিষ্ট কোন নিয়ম নেই । তবে Passage Narration করার সময় নিচের নিয়মগুলোর প্রতি নজর রাখতে হবে:

1.Direct speech এর যদি কোন সম্বোধন পদ থাকে তবে indirect speech এ addressing him as/his friend বা addressing him by the name of sohag ইত্যাদি pharse ব্যবহার না করাই ভালো। এ জাতীয় phrase sentence 

কে দুর্বল করে দেয়। সুতরাং সম্বোন্ধন পদটিকে Reporting Verb এর object হিসেবে ব্যবহার করতে হবে। 
  • Rayan :Hellow,Sohag, how are you?
  • Sohag: I'm fine and you?
  • Rayan : I'm fine too. But, what are you doing friend?
  • Sohag : I'm waterting my plants.
Ans: Rayan greeted Sohag (এখানে addressing him as/by the name of Sohag হবে না) and saked im how he was. Sohag replied that he was fine and wanted to know about Rayan. Rayan said that he was fine too and asked Sohag, his fried (addressing him his/as friend হবে না ) what he was doing. Then SOhag replied that he was watering his plants.

2. Direct speech এ যদি হ্যাঁ-বোধক শব্দ 'yes' এবং না বোধক শব্দ "No" থাকে তবে indirect speech করার সময় “repliied in the affirmative" এবং “replied in the nagative" ইত্যাদি phrase ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে আবার অন্যরকমও করা যেতে পারে। যেমন-
  • Teacher : Have you done your hoe work?
  • Student : No, teacher, I beg pardon for that.
  • Teacher : I see! then, have you memorise the poem?
  • Student : Yes, I have.
Ans : Teacher asked the student if he had done his home work. The student replied that he had not done it the student replied in the negative for then he(S) begged his (T) pardon. The teacher then further asked if he had memorised the poem. The Student replied that he had memorised it or replied in the affirmative.
3. Direct speech টিকে indirect speech এ লেখার সময় অনকে অপ্রাসঙ্গিক কথা বাদ দিয়ে dialogue বা passage টি প্রকৃত অর্থ প্রকাশ করার ওপর জোর দিতে হয়। এক্ষেত্রে dialogue বা passage টিকে summary আকারে লোই শ্রেয়। যেমন-

"What do you want? She saked.
Alfred answered, "I only want to come in. I am very tired. Please let me come inside. after wards. I will go away."
Ans: She asked alfred what he wanted. Alfred told her that he wanted to go in only because he was very tired. He requested her to let/allow him go inside. He also assured her that he would go away soon/leave the place afterwards.
4. Passage narration এ  direct speech কে indirect speech এ  লেখার সময় pronoun এর পরিবর্তনের ওপর  বিশেষ দৃষ্টি রাখতে হয়। 
  • "I never drink anything for luncheon,"she said 
  • "Neither do I, "I answered promptly
  • "Except white wine," she proceeded as though I had not spoken "Thses French white wines are so light. They are wonderful for digestion.
উপরের passage narration টিকে তিনভাবে indirect speech এ রূপান্তর করা যায় । (i) নিজেকে “she" ভাবা (ii) নিজেকে "I" ভাবা এবং (iii) নিজেকে "Shee বা  "I" কোনটিই না ভেবে তৃতীয় কোন ব্যক্তি ভাবা। 
(i) নিজেকে "she" ভেবে indirect narration এ লেখা :
 I said that I never drink anything for luncheon. He agreeed with me and said that he never drank too. He remained silent and I proceeded that I only drank white French wines because they are very light and wonderful for digestion.

(ii) নিজেকে "I" ভেবে indirect speech এ লেখ : She said that she never drank anything for luncheon. I answered promptly that I was also used to doing it. SHe proceeded spoken though I had not and said that she only drank French white wines because they were very light and wonderful for digestion.
(iii) নিজেকে তৃতীয় কোন ব্যক্তি ভেবে indirect speech এ লেখা : 
She said that she never drank anything for luncheon. He promptly answered that he was also used to doing it. she proceeded as though he had not spoken and said that she only drank Fraench white wines because they were very light and wonderful for digesting.

5. Passage Narration এ প্রথমেই বক্তা (speaker) ও শ্রোতা (Listener)- কে চিহ্নিত করতে হয়।Direet Speech এ Reporting verb যেখানেই থাকুক না কেন Indirect speech এ তা প্রথমে লিখতে  হবে। কারণ Direct Speech টি অনেক সময় Reported speech দিয়ে শুরু হয় এবং পরে Reporting verb দেয়া হয়। যেমন-
  • Direct : "I visited the place several times" he said.
  • Indirect : He said that he had visited the place several times.
  • Direct : "I opened the door", he said , and saw him at once.
  • indirect : he said that he had opened the door and had seen im at once.
6. একই বক্তা পর পর কয়েকটি বক্তব্য প্রদান করলে তা নিম্নলিখিত উপায়ে যুক্ত করতে পারি। এক্ষেত্রে আমরা Linking word এ ব্যবহার করতে পারি : 
(a) Assertive Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে : said that --added that --further added that -- again add that ইত্যাদি । 
(b) Interrogative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে : asked if/wh word further asked /wh word-- moreover asked if/wh word--again asked if/wh word.

7. কোন passage Narration এর Direct Speech এ বক্তা ও শ্রোতার পরিচয় উল্রেখ করা না থাকলে, তা indirct এ রূপান্তরের সময় বক্তার স্থলে The speaker এবং শ্রোতার স্থলে The listener ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন-

  • Direct : "I went to Chittagong yesterday" " Why did you go there?"
  • Indirect : The speaker said that he had gone t chittagong the previous day. Then the listener asked him why he gone here.
Exercises -1 
A Change the following direct speeches into circuitous bones.
The man says, "I shall do it."
  1. He says,"I went there yesterday."
  2. He says"am ready to go " 
  3. Ruma says, "She loves cricket"
  4. Teacher says, "The earth moves round the sun" 
  5. Mina said to me, " I was sick."
  6. Rana says,"I never tell a lie."
  7. Ragi said, "You did not help me."
  1. The man says that he will do that.
  2.  He says that he went there the previous day .
  3. He says that he is ready to go .
  4. Teacher says that the earth moves round the sun.
  5. Mina told me that she was sick.
  6. Rana says that he never tells a lie.
  7. Ragi complanied me that I did not help him.
Exercise 2
The new teacher entered the classroom and said, "Can you tell me what I should do now. "No, sir," One of the students said. The educator smiled and said," Try to guess"," You should introduce yourself to us," another scholar said." TY hink you" said the educator," Youre. really brilliant."

The new teacher entered the classroom and asked the students if they could tell him what she/he should do then. One of the students replied in the negative. The teacher smiled and told the student to try to gues another student told the teacher that she/he should introduce imself/herself to them. The teacher thanked the students and commented that they (students) were relly brilliant.